Video Games That Deserve Their Own Show/Movie Series

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When it comes to adapting video game franchises to movies and tv shows the results are mostly disastrous. The only video games that are breaking this mould are Sonic The Hedgehog, Super Mario Bros, Mortal Kombat (2021) and Detective Pikachu.

When the teaser trailer for the first Sonic movie was released, people complained about Sonic not being accurate and the backlash caused the studio to fix it and the movie was successful because they listened to the fans of the Sonic franchise.

Sonic done poorly (Left). Sonic done right (Right) Source: (

The Resident Evil movies based on the game series by Japanese developer and publisher Capcom – starring Milla Jovovich as main character Alice, as she fights to save the world from the zombie apocalypse and the corrupt Umbrella Corporation that were responsible for the zombie outbreak.

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Despite the movies being a failed adaptation of the video game series, the movies made a combined total of $1.2billion against a combined budget of $313million. In 2021, the Resident Evil movies were rebooted with a new movie titled Welcome to Raccoon City. Netflix released a Resident Evil show in 2022 but was cancelled after eight episodes due to negative reviews from audience and critics.

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In 2016, 20th Century Fox released the first Assassin’s Creed movie starring Michael Fassbender (X-Men movies as young Magneto) as Callum Lynch who discovers his bloodline is connected to an Assassin that lived in 15th Century Spain. The movie wasn’t a massive success as it made $240million against a budget of $125million.

Developed by Ubisoft, the Assassin’s Creed games are about two ancient societies, the titular main heroes, the Assassin’s Creed and their ancient enemies the Templar Order that have been at war with each other for millennia, fighting over ancient technology, that can shape the future of humanity, left over from a highly advanced race called the Isu that were seen as gods by ancient humans.

Source: (IMDb)


Here are some video game franchises, that in my opinion, totally deserve their own tv show and/or movie series.


Released from 2010-13, this game series is about one man’s quest to save what remains of Mankind from the evil Deathless that have plagued the world for tens of thousands/millions of years. The story focuses on three main characters: Siris, the main hero who has no memory of his past and unknowingly harbours a dark secret, The God King – Raidriar, who rules over a large region of Earth with his Deathless Pantheon, and the mysterious and highly feared Worker of Secrets – Galath.

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The only way that someone can permanently kill a Deathless is with the Infinity Blade, which is what the whole series is about and whoever wields it becomes a target by other powerful Deathless such as the aforementioned Raidriar The God King.

When the Infinity Blade is used against the Deathless, it destabilises their Quantum Identity Pattern/Q.I.P. (which is what they call a Soul in-game) granting them a true death (In other words, the Infinity Blade destroys the enemy’s soul so that they can’t come back to life no matter what). If Deathless are killed with a weapon that isn’t the Infinity Blade, they just resurrect.

There was going to be a fourth game in the series titled Infinity Blade: Dungeons which was going to serve as a prequel taking place thousands of years prior to the first game. Dungeons never saw the light of day as the developer was shut down and the games are no longer available on the iOS – App Store. I enjoyed playing the Infinity Blade games when I was in school, sadly I never got around to playing Infinity Blade 3.

Despite a small fan base, there are some people who are keeping the game series alive such as Infinity Blade Studios YouTube Channel who made an original story based on the lore of the game series which shows how Ausar The Vile was defeated by The God King Raidriar (See Video Below).

Infinity Blade Studios YouTube Channel

Infinity Blade Studios has also compiled all three Infinity Blade games into a 2hr and 14min movie (video below).



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This video game franchise has been around since 1997 and the latest instalment, Fires Of Rubicon was released in 2023. In the franchise, the large mech battle suits are called ACs which is short for Armored Cores piloted by mercenaries called Ravens, who are hired by governments and corporations. The franchise focuses on different timelines as to how Earth became a battlefield with people controlling these awesome weapons of mass destruction. Despite the games taking place in alternate timelines, there’s no time-travel involved.



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The KOTOR duology are two of the best Star Wars games ever made, with the first one also hailed as one of the best video games ever made. Taking place nearly 4000 years prior to the Original and Prequel Trilogies in the Expanded Universe/Legends continuity.

KOTOR gave fans characters that are loved as much as those in the Skywalker Saga (not counting the Disney Sequel Trilogy) in the forms of Revan, Bastila Shan, Darth Malak, Meetra Surik, Kreia/Darth Traya, Darth Sion, Darth Nihilus and others.

The legacy of KOTOR cannot be underestimated as there are dedicated YouTube Channels that have made their own versions of the series and expand upon it in their own way while still remaining faithful to the source material.

KOTOR CINEMATIC UNIVERSE by Darth Ycey, Smash City Studios & Darth Varkor

“DarthYcey, and Smash City Studios are beloved Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic fan film YouTubers who made their own fan films using the beloved video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic’s game engines. DarthYcey and Smash City Studios collaborated in a crossover between their films, while recently a fan film KOTOR creator named Darth Varkor is making a crossover between the so called “Loganverse” and the “Varkorverse.””- Source: (

Knights of the Old Republic Cinematic Universe, also known as KOTOR Cinematic Universe, is a Machinima (mah-SHEE-ne-mah or mah-SHIN-nuh-mah are movies made with video game assets. The word is supposed to be a portmanteau of “Machine” and “Cinema”), adaptation of both parts of KOTOR and Revan novel, as well as the authors’ continuation of the story of Revan. The KOTOR adaptation was made by SMASH CITY STUDIOS, whereas the story of Meetra Surik was adapted by Darth Ycey. The two authors eventually joined forces to adapt the novel and work on more projects.” Source: (

Click on the following links to watch KOTOR Cinematic Universe Videos:


Another YouTube channel, Unreal Cinema, was going to make his own KOTOR Series but has since been cancelled according to 100% Star Wars YouTube channel.

Unreal Cinema YouTube Channel
Unreal Cinema YouTube Channel
100% Star Wars YouTube Channel

Another YouTuber named Skull Leader, has created his own REVAN series, which shows Revan rallying many Jedi and going against the Jedi Council to not fight against the Mandalorians in the Mandalorian Wars; as the Mandalorians were conquering worlds outside of Republic territory and were becoming powerful to the point of becoming a threat to the Republic itself.

Star Wars The Old Republic takes place 300 years following the events of the KOTOR Duology where the true Sith Empire reveals itself after centuries of hiding in the galaxy’s unknown regions. With the Jedi and Republic busy fighting the Empire, the Sith Emperor has a horrifying endgame that won’t just end the war, but the galaxy itself! Even after his first death, the Emperor still refuses to die. Unbeknownst to Jedi, Sith and the rest of the galaxy, a powerful and mysterious third faction plans to rule the galaxy: The Eternal Empire, led by a family of insanely powerful force-users that are more than capable of taking on both Republic and Sith Empire.

Gamer’s Little Playground YouTube Channel

STAR WARS – THE GREY YouTube Channel is making an original story based on SWTOR MMORPG (see trailer below).

Plot: “Set thousands of years before the events of Skywalker — during the GREAT GALACTIC WAR of the OLD REPUBLIC, ‘THE GREY’ is a galaxy sprawling space epic that deals with the psychological ramifications of manipulation, loss, and conflict within one’s mind. Apprentice to the Sith Lord, DARTH MALGUS, MHOLLAR is a hardened Imperial General with a strong connection to The Force. Years prior, a young and eager Darth Malgus abducts the newborn Mhollar from his parents the very night he emerged into the galaxy. The blood thirsty tyrant, laying waste to Mhollar’s young family. Malgus, raising the child in his own image, imprinted his ruthlessness, tenacity and combat prowess onto the young boy. However, the task proved challenging as the boy’s natural essence repeatedly rejected the Sith ways. After 30 years, Malgus succeeded in transforming Mhollar into the hardened warrior who stands by his side, head of the Sith Lord’s army. However, conflict still clouds Mhollar’s mind. The powerful dark side user still at odds with his true self.”

Given Disney’s treatment of the franchise, no die hard Star Wars fan would want them to do a tv show or movie series of these games, as Disney has proven countless times that they don’t care about this franchise or the fans that made it what it is, as Disney panders to fake fans who also don’t care about the lore of the franchise and legacy of George Lucas.

Click on the following link for more KOTOR & SWTOR (


“Destiny takes place in the distant future, after the discovery of a spherical object called “the Traveler” ushered in a Golden Age for humanity. Unfortunately, the Traveler drew the attention of a cosmic force known only as “the Darkness”; in the ensuing war, Earth was ravaged and the Traveler fell into a state of dormancy. Centuries later, the last of humankind are protected within a city built underneath the slumbering Traveler. The Darkness is returning to finish the job it started, and it’s up to the Guardians – those who can wield the power of the Traveler – to defend humanity and reclaim their lost empire amongst the stars.” – Source: (



One many army Rico Rodriguez who works for “The Agency” which is supposed to be based on the real life American C.I.A., goes around the world taking down dictatorships.

GameSpot YouTube Channel

Back in 2017 there were news articles talking about Aquaman actor Jason Momoa playing the titular character Rico Rodriguez in a live action movie. However, no progress has been made since.


Mike 9 YouTube Channel


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