Ridiculous Reasons Why People Ridicule The Star Wars EU/Legends & The Hypocrisy!

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People love to hate Star Wars Legends that was originally called the Expanded Universe without even bothering to read or research any of the source material. They criticise the EU/Legends on what they’ve heard and have never bothered reading into the old material, thus showcasing their complete utter ignorance.

The URL Links below are prime examples of this:





When the Expanded Universe was being created by other parties/companies such as Dark Horse Comics, Del Rey, Obsidian Entertainment and BioWare, every major decision had to be talked about with Lucas himself so that none of lore would contradict in anyway and not to go against anything established in the Original and Prequel movies.

GL is certainly not bound by the EU, though he’s certainly open to using things created in it (Aayla Secura and the Coruscant name, for example). On the other hand, the quote you provide makes it sound like the EU is separate from George’s vision of the Star Wars universe. It is not. The EU must follow certain tenets set by George through the films and other guidelines that he provides outside of the films.” – Leeland Chee

Source: (https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Canon)

A number of the things people hate or are frustrated with about the old Star Wars content is that a number of things they complain about came out before the Prequel Movies (1999, 2003 & 2005), and before the rules and logistics of George Lucas were established for the franchise were made.

Here’s a bunch of stuff that Non-Expanded Universe fans have issues or hate about the EU:

Hot Chocolate

Hot chocolate was first introduced to the Star Wars galaxy by Timothy Zahn in his 1991 novel Heir to the Empire. Zahn received some criticism for featuring a drink found on Earth in the novel, but noted that other real-world concepts such as falcons had already become a part of Star Wars. Source: (https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hot_chocolate/Legends)

Hot Chocolate has since been adapted into Disney Canon. Source: (https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hot_chocolate)

Skippy The Jedi Droid

“The non-canon comedic story “Skippy the Jedi Droid” identifies R5-D4 as “Skippy”, a Force-sensitive droid who is responsible for the entire Star Wars saga; his “bad motivator” was actually deliberately destroyed by ‘Skippy’ himself when he had a Force-vision of what would happen if he was purchased by Owen Lars instead of Artoo. The article Droids, Technology and the Force: A Clash of Phenomena, alluded to this story as a wild rumor.”




Mount Sorrow

Mount Sorrow was Introduced in the 1986 comic book Ewoks 7. The Ewoks perception of reality is skewed by tradition and religion as they are a primitive species that doesn’t use technology like the rest of the galaxy and see the world differently due to lack of understanding making Mount Sorrow nothing more than a legend in Ewok culture. Remember in Return Of The Jedi? The Ewoks thought that C-3PO was a god as they have never seen droids or any technology before until the Empire and the Rebels made their presence known to them which further proves this point. To think that people believe that a sentient mountain exists in Star Wars is absurd.


https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki Mount_Sorrow

Sun Crusher

Source: (https://rjwriting.ink/2020/01/13/sun-crusher-the-most-op-ship-in-star-wars/amp/)

Starkiller Base from the Sequel Trilogy and the Sun Crusher are both doomsday weapons with the power to destroy entire stars and solar systems.

The Sun Crusher is an indestructible space ship equipped with doomsday torpedoes while Starkiller Base is giant planet converted into a doomsday weapon that can wipe out every planet in a solar system far, far away by draining nearby stars of their energy and shortening their life span bringing it closer to going nova.

The Sun Crusher was made at a top secret installation at the Maw, a cluster of blackholes, by order of Grand Moff Tarkin and was forgotten after the death of Sidious and the collapse of his Empire, until Han Solo and Chewbacca discovered it. The ship has an indestructible exterior made of Quantum Crystalline Armour, which is made by stacking layers of atoms as densely as the laws of physics could permit, and laminating them above another thin film that was as strong, but phase shifted, making the armor completely indestructible. The primary weapon of the Sun Crusher was its Resonance Torpedos, that when launched into a star and upon detonation, the resonance torpedos dissolve metals and expand into a massive explosion. The explosion then destabilises the fusion reactions of a star, causing it to supernova. This massive explosion causes any nearby stars or objects of matter to explode as well, causing a chain reaction powerful enough to destroy a whole star system/solar system. The Sun Crusher also had an advanced hyperdrive that allowed it to slip in and out of star systems quickly without being detected which is how it wasn’t destroyed by the stars that it made go supernova.

One of Luke Skywalker’s fellow Jedi, Kyp Durron, used the Sun Crusher in an anti-Imperial campaign and responsible for countless deaths, including his own brother who he thought died at the hand of Imperials, due to having a bad upbringing being worked in mines and being manipulated by the spirit of one of the most powerful Sith Lords in history: Exar Kun.

The Spirit Of Sith Lord Exar Kun confronted by Luke’s fellow Jedi. Source: (https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/wollfmyth209/blog/luke-skywalker-vs-exar-kun-context-and-circumstanc/130541/)

Kyp would ultimately be redeemed, Exar Kun’s spirit was vanquished for good and the Sun Crusher was sent into the Maw Cluster, so that it could never be used again.









Luke Skywalker’s Evil Clone Luuke

“The clone that Joruus C’baoth created to test me with was the fulfilment of my vision in the cave on Dagobah. The reality was no less horrifying than the illusion. Imagine looking at your reflection in the mirror and seeing only…an enemy.” Source: (https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Luuke_Skywalker)

Luke’s evil clone was created from his severed hand that Vader amputated in Ep:5 Empire Strikes Back and uses his old lightsaber. Star Wars EU haters criticise the name of Luke’s evil clone having the letter ‘u’ in his name twice. Seriously? how many names in the real world are spelt differently? A good of example of this is the name Alan can also be spelt Allan. Luke’s evil clone was spelt different for readers to tell the difference between good Luke and evil Luuke.

Bringing Back Darth Sidious & Luke Going To The Darkside

In the 1990s comic book story arc Dark Empire, Luke becomes Palpatine/Sidious’ apprentice in order to defeat him for good but with Leia’s help Luke manages to turn away from the Darkside after he finds himself into deep and together with Leia and the unborn Anakin Solo, manage to temporarily beat Sidious by severing his connection to the Darkside causing his own power to backfire in his face and temporarily kill him.

“Sidious was hardly finished, summoning a Force Storm against the New Republic fleet. However, the siblings banded together and, with the aid of the unborn Anakin Solo, were able to use the light side of the Force to temporarily sever Sidious’s connection to the Force. The Force storm, no longer under Sidious’s control, destroyed Eclipse, killing Sidious again while the pair fled, ending the Battle of Pinnacle Base. His spirit survived and found its way into another clone body.”

After learning that his clone body was failing him, Palpatine sought to transfer his essence into the new born Anakin Solo, Han ends up blasting Sidious in the back which was what Sidious wanted, as his spirit was free to






Palpatine’s Triclop Son

Palpatine’s Son Triclops

In a universe filled with crazy aliens and space wizards with flashy swords (made out of force-sensitive crystals and plasma) fighting for the fate of the galaxy why wouldn’t there be a Triclops. Triclops even had an imposter claiming to be Palpatine’s son named Trioculus.

Triclops’ imposter Trioculus




The Darksaber

The Darksaber. Source: (Wookiepedia)

Built by Hutt Crime Lord named Durga, The Darksaber was built so that Durga could expand his influence and power over the galaxy by holding planets for ransom with the super weapon. However there were a lot of problems during the construction of the weapon and the weapon itself. The Darksaber was never used for it’s intended purpose as the Rebels discovered it’s existence and tried to destroy it and in the end was destroyed in a asteroid field killing all on board.

Durga The Hutt. Source: (Wookiepedia)




Luke “Falling In Love With A Computer”

The Callista Trilogy

Callista Ming who was originally Callista Masana a Jedi Knight from the Clone Wars, sacrificed herself to sabotage the Eye of Palpatine, an Imperial Dreadnaught that was going to annihilate a settlement, and Callista shed her physical form and trapped her spirit in the ship’s gunnery computer and the ship laid dormant for years. Years later the Dreadnaught was reactivated by one of Sidious’ agents. Luke discovered the ship with Callista still inside the ships computer and the two began falling in love. Cray Mingla, a member of Luke’s new Jedi Order, sacrificed herself to destroy the Eye of Palpatine as she wanted to join her husband in death and her body was given to Callista.





Upon gaining her new body, Callista was unable to use her force powers and while trying to reconnect to the force ended up inadvertently ended up being connected to the Darkside.

The following paragraph explains this issue as Callista used a Darkside ability called Transfer Essence:

“Callista was able to use this predominantly dark side ability, usually applied by powerful Sith Lords, to transfer her consciousness into an inanimate object, despite her commitment to the light side of the Force. Nor did she require alchemical apparatus or additional life energy. Second, rather than becoming a disembodied shade, Callista became part of the Eye‘s gunnery mainframe, acting more like a self-aware computer program than a manifest presence. Thirdly, once she transferred her spirit into the body of Jedi trainee Cray Mingla, she could only touch the dark side of the Force. This was unusual, since both Callista and Cray were Force-sensitive. Since she remained committed to the Jedi way (even going so far as to help Luke Skywalker train new Jedi at the Yavin IV academy), she was essentially cut off from the Force, unlike Sidious, Set Harth, or Exar Kun. As none of the Sith had any compunctions about using the dark side, this “handicap”, if they possessed it, was essentially meaningless.” – Source: (https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Transfer_essence)

The Crystal Star

Luke and the gang must rescue Han and Leia’s kidnapped children and their search leads them to discover an inter-dimensional being called Waru, who possesses a power of what is described as the Anti-Force and comes from a universe that is the polar opposite of the main one. Waru requires the power of force-sensitive individuals to get enough power to return to his dimension. The means of Waru being transported from his original world affected the Star on the planet he was stranded on, thus why it was called the Crystal Star. Waru had two groups of followers devoted to him, the first being the Cult of Waru and the other being the Empire Reborn, made up of all former Imperials led by Hethrir, a Dark Jedi.

“… Waru was transported from his unknown homeworld (and dimension) through the acts of the dying star Crseih, due to a rare process where this star crystallized. This caused a large enough disturbance in the Force to teleport a being, Waru in this case, between parallel universes…” 







The Crystal Star novel is considered one of the weaker entries in the old EU but at least it was an interesting story arc and still true to the essence of the original movies.

Chewbacca’s Epic Hero Death

The Expanded Universe is actually older than the films themselves, as the novelization of the original film was published six months before the film was released. In in-universe chronology, the earliest works are the Dawn of the Jedi comics, which are set millennia before the films, while the latest are the Legacy comics, which are set about one hundred and thirty years after Return of the Jedi.”

Chewbacca would sacrifice his life to save Anakin Solo as he, Han Solo and Anakin were rescuing the people of their doomed planet when the Yuuzhan Vong knocked the planet’s moon out of orbit. Chewbacca’s death greatly affected Han as he fell into depression and blamed his son for his best friend’s death but would later forgive him. Chewbacca’s Son and Nephew would continue to honour his life debt to Han Solo and a giant carving of his face was made in one of Kashyyyk’s trees.

Chewbacca Memorialised By His People On Kashyyyk

“Wookiees would take pride in the fact that Chewbacca died honoring his life debt as well as the fact that it literally took an entire moon to kill him.”




Chewbacca’s death in the Expanded Universe is far better then people thinking he accidentally got killed by Rey in Rise Of Skywalker, only to later find out that Rey destroyed the wrong ship and that Chewbacca was taken prisoner by the First Order.

The Expanded Universe Was A Mess & Never Canon and George Lucas Had No Involvement In It.

The Expanded Universe was absolutely canon, it just wasn’t canon to George Lucas as he didn’t consider it part of his vision of the Star Wars universe but recognised it as a universe for the fans. To say that the Expanded Universe wasn’t canon to begin with would be no different to saying that Disney Star Wars isn’t canon. George Lucas only considers the first six Star Wars movie that he made as canon. Also, the fact that Disney literally de-canonised it and has been cherry picking stuff for them to adapt into their version of the franchise says otherwise and hypocritical of anyone who says it wasn’t.




“Star Wars Legends, formerly known as the Expanded Universe (abbreviated EU), encompasses every one of the licensed and background stories of the Star Wars universe, outside of the original six Star Wars films produced by George Lucas and certain other material such as Star Wars: The Clone Wars, created before April 25, 2014. It is derived from and includes most official Star Wars books, comic books, video games, spin-off films, television series, toys, and other media created before that date. This material expands and continues the stories told in the films, taking place anywhere from over 36,000 years before The Phantom Menace to 136 years after Return of the Jedi.”

“The Expanded Universe had a continuity with few wrinkles. The general rule was that nothing in the Expanded Universe was allowed to contradict any other part of the Expanded Universe or the films. For the most part when any discrepancies arose retcons were created to fix these contradictions.”

“The Expanded Universe is actually older than the films themselves, as the novelization of the original film was published six months before the film was released. In in-universe chronology, the earliest works are the Dawn of the Jedi comics, which are set millennia before the films, while the latest are the Legacy comics, which are set about one hundred and thirty years after Return of the Jedi.”






Hopefully any complaints about the Star Wars EU has been cleared up in this blog post. If I have missed anything in this blog, I apologise, but I hope I got my point across. Hopefully this blog puts this argument to bed and with one last video to watch.

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